For the website available.
Import All Sample Data and import the configure for the website available.
Last updated
Import All Sample Data and import the configure for the website available.
Last updated
If you have a website with data available, follow these steps to use the "Ruza" theme for your website.
The process may take some time. Please wait
Choose Sample Data > pages > template-home-xxx.json
Turn Off Breadcrumb on the Homepage
Choose homepage displays
Choose Thembay Blocks > Add New > Type of Template = Footer
Choose Sample Data > footer > template-footer-xxx.json
Select Footer default in Theme Options
If your MailChimp form does not display as well as above, use the code below
Here is the result
Choose Thembay Blocks > Add New > Type of Template = Header
Choose Sample Data > header > template-header-xxx.json
Choose Main Menu
Select Header default in Theme Options
Please follow this video:
All done. Have fun!